Blending Cucumber, Cassandra and Akka-Http

Knoldus Blogs


Knoldus has always pioneered the deep diving into the best ways to use cutting edge technologies. In the past few days, one of our team carried this deed by integrating Cucumber with Akka-Http, Cassandra and of course, Scala. In this blog, we reach out to you to explain and show how this can be done.


Cucumber is for Behavior Driven Design (BDD). The approach of Cucumber is to write the behavior of the application and then run them for acceptance testing.


Akka-Http is a general toolkit provided by Akka to implement HTTP services. It supports both client and server side services.


Cassandra is a database that provides high scalability and availability with best performance.

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Create a self-signed SSL Certificate using OpenSSL.

Knoldus Blogs

In this blog I’ll be giving a little bit of insight on SSL certificates and then how to create a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL.

Let’s start with  What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. SSL is a global standard technology that creates encrypted communication between web browser and web server. It helps to decrease the risk of losing your personal information(e.g passwords, emails, credit card numbers etc.) .

To create this secure connection a SSL Certificate is used, which is installed on the web server. So, SSL Certificate is a bit of code on your web server that provides security for your online communications. SSL certificate also contains identification information(i.e your organisational information).

SSL Certificates mainly serves two functions:

  • Authenticates the identity of the servers(so that users know that they are not sending their information to wrong server).
  • Encrypts the data that is being transmitted.


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Autocomplete using Elasticsearch

Knoldus Blogs

You would have seen in a movie data store like IMDB, Whenever a user enters ‘g’, the search bar suggests him that you might be looking for gone girl or all the movies that have ‘g’ in them.

This is what an Autocomplete or word completion is and it has become an essential part of any application.

Autocomplete speeds up human-computer interaction by predicting the word using very few characters.

In this blog I’ll be discussing about result suggest autocomplete using elasticsearch which means that the predictions would be based on the existing data in the data store.

There is another type of autocomplete i.e search suggest autocomplete which works on the previously searched phrases but we won’t be discussing about it in this blog

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Introduction to Shapeless !

Knoldus Blogs

Shapeless is a type class and dependent type based generic programming library for Scala. It is an Open Source project under the Apache License v2, hosted on github.

Well, simply put, it is a well known library for generic programming in scala.

Earlier, reflection APIs were used to write generic programs. However, since reflection is usually done in runtime, it sacrifices type-safety, and introduces runtime failures.

But luckily, Shapeless is there to solve problems during compilation where they would normally be tackled in runtime. Shapeless aims to give you confidence that if a piece of code compiles, it will run as well.

Using Shapeless:

To include the Shapeless in your SBT project for scala 2.11.8 you should add the following in your SBT build,

libraryDependencies ++= Seq("com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.3.1")

Shapeless has a wide range of features. Lets have a look at two of…

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